Sunday, June 3, 2012

Big Rocks, Little Rocks

The following story is an example of prioritizing, usually for the benefit of time management studies. It’s called “Big Rocks, Little Rocks”. As you determine the difficult tasks at hand, whether at work, school or at home, you label the big rocks with these tasks. With them in place, you can now consider the less difficult issues ahead of you, and place your little rocks. It’s about prioritizing. It can be done on an individual basis, but its main purpose as I’ve seen its application, is to work as a group. Name the problems, assess the situations and delegate the workload. Cooperation through a cooperative team / family will reap the best results.

It’s flawless in both theory and application. It’s a perfect problem solver; however, imagine a twist on the theory. Imagine a theory designed without problems. Instead of placing in the big rocks with problems, substitute positive affirmations on the rocks. Consider placing in kindness, joy, philanthropy, patience, forgiveness, generosity and compassion. The small rocks can be the appreciation for the many talents available for the fruition of the affirmations…knowledge, crafting skills, a green thumb, cleverness, compromise and fortitude for example.

People skills are in place for both the theories, but the second starts on a step that has transcended the problems. Having done this, the positive affirmations then elevate your actions as you extend your hands to humanity. Everyone benefits. Perfect.


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