Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Bummer!

In the lower grades of the SMFs, our summers were casual and carefree as every summer should be. We were footloose and fancy-free as children were meant to be. Daydreamin’, popsicles, playgrounds and swimming were the course of each and every day. On the last day of school, we ran out the door with nary a thought or care. For grades five through eight though, it was a slightly different story.

On the last day of school each year, our school had the custom of advancing each grade to the next classroom during the last hour of school. This formality allowed you to be introduced to your next year’s teacher and find get fitted to your new desk. It was a mini-graduation of sorts from grade to grade. It was a lovely tradition. As lovely as it was, we still eyed the clock waiting for the last day of school to end. Just before leaving the class we were handed our summer homework list. BUMMER!!! A summer reading list was handed out and received with a slightly masked look of disappointment and a stifled groan. This list was of course to the teacher’s discretion. We didn’t want to get ‘rusty’ over the summer months. Sometimes it was to get a ‘jump’ on the reading for the next years’ courses.  

For some of us there was a brief moment of hope that this might be overlooked. Our hands politely folded and our eyes averted from the clock with a devil-may-care attitude of nonchalance, we were secretly praying that the list might be lost. Out from the teacher’s desk drawer came the stack of papers. ARGHHHH!!! A definite BUMMER!!!

As adults, we now have the luxury of choosing our own summer reading list. To read or not to read…THAT is the question! Whatever you choose, have a great summer!


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