Sunday, July 24, 2011

Good Humor

On a recent hot summer day, I purchased a single ice cream bar from a local store. There was not great thought to it, just a quick snack on the run. As I was eating…’darn, this IS good!’ I looked at the wrapper & saw it was a “Good Humor Chocolate Éclair Bar”. YUM! Instant flashbacks came with memories of ice cream trucks & the tinkling tunes they played.

Ice cream trucks were a reason to drop everything and run. They were the reason we picked change out from under the sofa cushions and picked pockets for pennies. On a hot summer day they were our oasis amid our neighborhood streets. Just think of the number of vehicles catering to our educated summer palette: Good Humor, Jack & Jill and Mister Softee. It was as if these people knew & fulfilled our every dream. Frozen confections with every possible topping, chocolate drizzle, and surprises inside must have been created by geniuses! These treats made us swallow our childish pride, beg our mothers’ forgiveness for whatever it was we did, and promise to do extra chores. Oh, it was worth it to flag down the ice cream truck!

Ice cream trucks have there own page on Wikipedia…not just the ice cream manufacturers. There are ice cream vehicles in almost all countries around the world and in all shapes & sizes from trucks to motorcycles. If you were looking for a common denominator around the world, it would appear to be ice cream. Who doesn’t like it? Look at the effort to distribute the sweet goodness that guarantees a smile. They are the good will ambassadors that warm our hearts worldwide. Cooooool!


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