Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Snap, Crackle & Pop!

No. You guessed right. I am NOT talking about the breakfast cereal. I’m talking about our knees, ankles, elbows, jaws, knuckles & whatever other joint seems to be disjointed at the moment and goes snap, crackle & pop!

I had this rude awakening the other day, at church, when attempting to genuflect, and it didn’t go as well as planned. No, I didn’t tip over like the little guy on the bike from Laugh-In. I like to think I saved myself from embarrassment by holding on to the pew for dear life. My memory wants to believe that no one noticed. Whew! (Hello Grace!)

I know we never had this problem fifty years ago when attending Mass. We were young & agile. Our only concerns then were keeping our hats straight, our hands folded and our eyes towards heaven. Keeping the missals & rosary beads in order were secondary, but never did we consider tipping over while genuflecting. There were the occasional incidents of being fidgety while kneeling and sliding off the kneelers. Kids did that. Nuns gently strolling up & down the side aisles, so as not to be noticed were well noticed by a mere glance to prevent the wiggles from continuing.

We have passed the age of being a good kid at church. (Did you behave at church today? Yes, Mom.) We have passed the age of being a good example at church for our kids. (Sit still. God’s watching!) We have entered the age of a “second childhood” at church; remembering to lower the kneeler without distraction, hoping to hit the kneeler each time, being wiggly again while hoping there’s no one in the ladies room in the church basement!!!


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