Saturday, April 7, 2012

In Service

Today as I was driving, I passed a cross with a purple drape of cloth, much like we see in church on Good Friday, on the front yard of a home that was honoring this holyday. Accompanying it was a sign saying...
 “It Is Done.” 
I do understand its intention, yet I disagree. I am partial to the statement…
”The Mass never ends.”
 We are the living Mass. We are the embodiment of the collective Christ on Earth. We carry on the traditions and good will to honor the life of Jesus. It is in our service to all mankind that we continue to honor his life.

As we approach Easter Sunday, with all its splendor and beauty, apparent reminders of birth and rebirth are ever present. It is a day to celebrate and reflect all that a Christian life stands for….a day for new beginnings and the knowing that we are all one in the eyes of God.


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