Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Miracles Come in Many Colors

Miracles happen every day. You can look for them high & low but you just need to observe them right in front of you. Sometimes if you sit still they will find you. The difference between miracles & everyday life is your acknowledgement. They are one & the same.

One day awhile back, I was having a doldrummy day…not a bad day, but darkish outside, more cloudy than sunny, looking out the windows for a glimpse of a good time to take a walk with my dog…and that’s when my miracle happened. As I looked out my window for the second time, there to my delight was not just one pretty bird to make me smile, but a whole tree full! No, not like Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’, but more like a collection from Noah’s Ark. The entire tree was a flutter with a rainbow of colors. I didn’t have just one beautiful bird, nor a pair of feathered friends, but my own personal aviary of a bird of every color. I was mesmerized. It was so exciting I couldn’t move. There were blue jays, cardinals, goldfinches, cedar waxwings, orioles, sparrows, nuthatches and wrens just to name a few. It looked like they were dancing from branch to branch. It was like a Christmas tree in the springtime.

 I turned my head for a moment looking for someone to tell. Where’s the camera? Perhaps if they were patient I could find a moment to take a photo.  As quickly as I turned my head back they were gone. There was no proof it happened; but it did. I knew it happened, photo or not. It’s in my mind & heart forever.

Every time I think of it, it makes me smile still. Now that’s a real miracle.


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