Monday, November 19, 2012


“Eureka”, an exclamation of epiphany, discovery…an ‘Aha’ moment noted. Archimedes made this exclamation upon one of his discoveries. He certainly would not have said it if he was not thinking outside the ‘box’. He ventured with his mind to new places of thought. The discoveries would never have taken place if he was complacent with the status quo. He sought answers to new questions. He was definitely one who thought ‘outside the box’.

The question at hand is…’Who decided the shape of the box and what went into the box?’ How is it you wish to be defined? Your individuality demands changes over time. Flexibility and diversity will allow you to be changing and re-creating yourself throughout your lifetime. Cookie cutter lives are what most of us are avoiding. We wish to be more than the sum of our parts. We wish to be noticed for our ever-changing ways. The new improved version of ‘self’ should be shared with one and all. Every day should be a new adventure.

When we look within and search our heart with our mind we make a discovery of what makes your heart sing. What kind of box resides there?

Today I am a ballerina dancing through my day.

Today I am a horse in a carousel riding like the wind with my friends.

Today I am a crystal egg in winter holding onto springs’ promise.

Think outside the box. Embrace the ideas that come. Try something different. When it comes from the heart there is no one else to please than yourself, so enjoy the moment, the day, the new life at hand.

The ‘out-of-the-box’ question I pose to you is this…

When is a piano like a drum?
When Jamie Cullum plays it…because it’s ‘thrilling!’



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