Friday, November 2, 2012

The ABCs Of Life

Guidelines…you can’t beat the basics…the ABCs. We first start with the building blocks of life as blocks. Simple, colorful, playful, and probably used as the first introduction to our name. Cute!

Next, we are introduced to flash cards. We kick-it-up-a-notch with visual associations of our favorite things in life…apples, balloons, cat, dog, etc. Our life gets more colorful, playful and interactive.

In school we were introduced to our “Palmer Method” means of writing. Life got more serious. We had to memorize the alphabet and methodically apply a style of cursive writing to our thought patterns first, then learn to apply it to paper. With that accomplished, we had to then formulate our completed thoughts to complete sentences…in cursive! Quite a feat for youngsters in the second grade! Life got SO serious, SO quickly for us!

As life’s complexities grow, we can also turn to a more adult version of ABCs. This is a gentle reminder for us when we wish to regroup and re-simplify our lives. The ABCs of Life:

Guidelines are just thatguidelines. The ABCs are real and permanent, yet flexible! Rearrange them as they suit your life and situation. Create new guidelines for yourself. Go for it
And have fun doing it!


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