Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Think Pink!

There is no person on this planet untouched by cancer. If we have been blessed to be without, we do know someone that has had this burden. It seldom touches a single person as it usually affects an entire family and often a community.

In my brief research for this topic, I have come across some interesting websites that may help you choose a charity should you choose to donate to help people or organizations pertaining to this disease or other good causes. These sites review charitable organizations, both for profit and non-profit organizations.

We should always be mindful of the ‘power of prayer’ for this and all causes. Although not all prayers appear to be answered for an individual, we must focus on the greater good….look to the higher ground.  Look around at all the support groups, organizations and charities that have been created. The suffering, sadness and grief for a loved one have given rise to the celebration of that persons’ life through the collaboration of the collective. Your prayer is effective whether it is in the form of words or actions. For a loved one that has past, there is no greater honor than carrying their love with you through your life. Their love lives on in you. Even as you continue your life without that person, their love and life is carried with you.

This is for all the causes that must be fought and those with the courage for the fight. To our soldiers of humanity, congratulations and God bless.


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