Saturday, December 17, 2011

Setting Up The Manger

As we prepared for Christmas in our SMFairies days, decorating the house was always fun as we all had our parts to play … placing candles on the windowsills and the wreath on the door.  Decorating the Christmas tree was of equal fun…helping with the lights, selecting the ornaments, positioning the tinsel, placing the star on top, chasing the cat away.

However…there was nothing more sacred in our young minds, future saints that we were, as the setting up of the nativity crèche. The box was brought out from storage. Tissue was delicately unfolded and set aside to be reused for a later date as the figurines were unwrapped with the greatest of care.  There were the animals of the stable, assorted shepherds, many sheep, three wise men, an angel, and of course, the Holy Family…with Baby Jesus set aside being the star of the show.

The manger was usually set center stage for the holidays. In our house, it was traditionally placed on the buffet. A little glittery fluff of cotton batting made a base of snow about the manger. A single light as the Christmas Star shone from the back wall casting a mysterious light and shadow. AWESOME! Mary and Joseph were placed first with the cradle in between. Behind them was the angel. Straw was carefully placed about the floor of the manger. Baby Jesus had to be tucked away until Christmas Eve, still delicately wrapped in tissue…usually in the first drawer of the buffet. An executive decision would have to be made by a parent on Christmas Eve as to which one of us would be chosen to place Baby Jesus in the crib!

The shepherds and sheep were placed next. Then the cow and donkey, just to the outside of the manger…not too close. Now, the magi, what to do with the magi?  How we played out their arrival was a dilemma to us each year for they were not to arrive until the twelfth day of Christmas. We tried to be more creative each year…however, it was always by camel. One year they crossed the living room, then from under the Christmas tree to the buffet…too short a distance! No matter what we did, they arrived early each time. We snuck down the stairs to spy on each other to see who helped them along. One year we decided to start them out from upstairs. There, that seemed like a long enough trek. Down they would come, descending the staircase with a day or two on the landing….hoping that none of us nor the dog would tip them over or knock them down. They still managed to arrive early. For Little Christmas was an eternity away. The wrappings gone and gifts put away from our most joyous day made us eager for the magi to arrive and give their gifts too.

With the arrival of Little Christmas, the nativity box made an appearance again. Out came the tissue, delicately flattened with statues laid on top. Each wrapped securely for another year. Straw and batting gathered up for hibernation. We must wait another year for the cycle to return. Anticipation!


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