Friday, May 18, 2012

The Mary Month of May

Last year we SMFs had our get-together in the month of May. With it we had our ‘May Procession’. The celebration was so memorable that we still speak of it with both fun and affection. This year we have moved our get-together to June. Our May Procession of this year will have to take place in our hearts.

As we have dedicated our good times together to Mary, from our school days to our current lives, so shall we do so again now. We celebrate with each and every day with our families, friends and community. With each meal shared, each child taught, each flower picked and each song sung, we continue to honor the values of Mary and the Holy Family. With each story told, and each tear shed and each laugh shared we live the lives of those around the world who know her in their hearts and mind.

Mary has appeared to many around the world in the name of love and peace. As these historic moments are recorded, preserved and embraced by all who welcome her messages of divine care, love and protection, may we continue to carry them with us into our daily lives as a means of sharing in her life of endless love and affection.

May is the month dedicated to Mary, Queen of Peace. Please carry the month of May with you year round.


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