Friday, February 17, 2012

Love’s Embrace

“Diplomacy is the art of the possible.” Star Trek TNG

Yes, I’ve said it before, I’m a Trekkie. You can still pick up ‘pearls of wisdom’ from the reruns. Gene Roddenberry was full of sound advice.

If diplomacy is the art of possibilities, how do you achieve success? Patience, understanding, empathy, tolerance and time to meld them together are a good place to start. In order to solve a problem, we must first study the situation. We must strip the surface patiently. We must remove false visions by removing rose colored glasses. Perceptions through prisms can distort reality. With loving efforts applied over time, diplomacy can be achieved for the joint happiness of all parties.

Diplomacy put into action is a contract implying successful change. It is not always swift. The Grand Canyon wasn’t created in a day; but over time we can now behold its beauty and wonder. The end result is worth it…BUT…is it done? Perhaps it’s work in progress, like us, and we haven’t realized it yet.

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. Michelangelo

As Michelangelo, we must look within, see our own beauty, and set ourselves free. When we look around and see the beauty within all, we will realize that we can set all free, thus creating a beautiful world.


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