Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reaching Out

To laugh, to cry, to care and to love are some of the things we all have in common. When we feel for the pain of another, our empathy amplifies our humanity. We all have lessons to learn in life and when we identify with the lessons of another, this in turn becomes a lesson for ourselves.

We don’t always have the ability or opportunity to be with someone at their time of need. Our empathy is one way to reach out and say ‘I understand’, even from a distance. It can even say ‘I love you’.

It’s our ability to reach out to one and all that fulfills the circle of human emotions. Emotions are not to be of concern as they allow us to express ourselves. It is through emotions that we communicate truthfully.

Emotions allow us to express the following phrases: “I’m sorry; I hope you feel better; I’m happy for you; I love you.”

Embrace empathy through your emotions in all you do every day.


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