Thursday, February 23, 2012

Values And Virtues

We all have a certain perspective of life and the way in which we fit in. We do gravitate to some ideals more than others as well as varying causes that agree with our demeanor. There are as many causes as there are needs on Earth. From rain forests to whales, global warming to global hunger, these causes catch our attention and tug at our hearts. They hopefully get our minds headed in the same direction…what’s better for the world.

As we value the cause, the virtues needed to amend the imbalance should surface. We can dig in and get our hands dirty with community gardens, lend a kind ear for help and support to those in need or spread awareness for the support of our environment through public education.

Values and virtues go hand in hand when it’s for the greater good. Once you make it a habit, it will come easier. Caring habits weave inspiration through the community. Caring is sharing.


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