Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Palmer Method

Contrary to the instant recall of push-pulls & circles of the Palmer Method of writing recognized by many parochial school students, I have recently given the term a new twist.

Palmer, MA, exit 8 off the Mass Pike, heading towards the western part of Mass.; this area is endeared to me for many reasons. If anyone has ever headed for UMass Amherst from Boston, this was your exit. This area has also been popularized by many… to name a few: Arlo Guthry…’Alice’s Restaurant’, James Taylor…’Sweet Baby James’, and in all paintings by Norman Rockwell. The Berkshire’s have been an artistic backdrop for so much of our history in Mass. A great source of pride….a state treasure.

This region was hit by numerous tornadoes this past week; truly an anomaly to a state that braces itself for hurricanes & blizzards. The surrounding towns of Springfield, Brimfield & Monson that were hit hard are all places where I have been numerous times.

My brother John who lives in Monson was spared any personal & property damage. The town itself was not as blessed. As I sat glued to the TV newscasts, I was so moved to hear the announcements made by the governor, state & local elected officials of the remarkable composure of the people. Their camaraderie and determination to come together as a community, rallying to the cause and supporting one another, were duly noted by all. As needed demolition was in progress, volunteers were already barbequing for the masses with plans for redevelopment readily at work.

As my senses spun, it was at this moment I made note of the “Palmer Method” of handling a difficult situation in the most positive manner. A great source of pride….another state treasure.

My heartfelt prayers and thoughts are with all victims of this disaster. Their humanity shines at this difficult time and their own inner light will guide them through.


1 comment:

Ellie said...

Another writer in our midst! Nice job, Cathy... I've enjoyed all the entries so far. On a serious note, glad your brother was spared... praying for those who were not.