Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Invitation

The porch beckons
Come and sit a spell
The boards may creak under your feet
That’s because they are well-worn
Friends come and go often
The railings wrap around you
Comforting they are
The rockers allow you to sink in
The scent invigorates
The breezes caress
The views seduce the mind
Smiles emerge
Conversations grow
Laughter ensues
Neighbors stop by
Glasses are lifted
Toasts are made
The art of verse is honored
Jokes, tales, stories
The day is lost in a timeless world
Eons pass and the words linger
The porch forgets not
Carved into its memory
Is its history, its life
An invitation was extended and accepted
An opportunity of sharing one’s self
The porch, both separate and one
A part of each visitor
‘I am honored’ said the porch
Come and sit a spell
I can keep your secrets
A silent friend for eternity
It’s been my privilege to know you
Come back soon and often
Till we meet again

PS…What happens in Hull, stays in Hull!


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