Sunday, January 1, 2012

To Boldly Go Where You Have Never Gone Before

Yes, I admit it…I’m a Trekkie! If you want to start the new year out right, you must aim high. I like to look to the stars. Dream big young voyager!

If you had to take one giant leap for mankind, how far would it be? In which direction would you step to make a difference? First you must step out of your comfort zone. Then you must follow your heart.

Should you wonder where the direction leads you or just enjoy the journey?  If the intent is to help mankind, then it will happen. No one said that you should not enjoy yourself along the way. Just take each day at a time as it leads you. Let every person you meet along the way become a friend and let every friend become family. As you meet their friends and family, your extended family grows.

Suddenly, your family becomes global and in turn universal. From Heaven to Earth, Earth to the stars, stars to people, we become a harmony of lights, sights and sound. This is our symphony. You can touch it, see it, breathe it and hear it if you acknowledge its existence as such. In doing so, you will also recognize it’s continuity through time and your place in carrying it forward.

Carl Sagan wrote: “Plainly, the world held wonders of a kind I had never guessed. How could a tone become a picture and light become a noise?”
It’s a wonder how we connect the dots, but personally, I want to figure it out. I connect me to you, you to you and you to you, etc., etc., etc. Eventually we will get there together.

If you’re a little stuck in neutral in figuring it out, just follow the ‘Friendship Algorithm’ from The Big Bang Theory. When you stop laughing, it’ll really help!

The sky’s the limit….and yet it is infinite in our eyes. The possibilities are endless. For every question there has to be numerous answers to whatever the dilemma in our life and in our world. Can there be more answers than questions? Aha! There’s a thing to ponder! Then the conclusion would be that all of our answers are already there. In turn there are no unsolvable problems. In turn once again, there is no problem at all. We just need to find them….the question to the answer and connect the dots. We are the pencils…the tools to solve the answers. In turn, the answers must lie within us.

Look within and then step out of the box. There’s a brave new world out there!

Have a great 2012!


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