Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Winter Garden


Mother Nature has been exceptionally kind to us so far this winter. December was one of the top five warmest winters on record. The yard was filled with a whole bunch of ‘winter bloomers’…and I’m not talking union suits! There were begonias and primroses hanging in there with the warm wishes of Mother Nature. An azalea dawned its blooms once more. The quince bush had buds on it. Hostas were making an appearance again. Geraniums on the sunny side of the street had a second wind too. One mum nestled in the hedges would not give up the last bloom of the season. Go for it!

A lesson learnt…just go with the flow. The blossoms were meandering about their merry way. No concerns for the pending cold were apparent. They took advantage of the extended season as best they knew how…to keep on growing!

Last year at this time there was a six foot high snow bank and no visible view of the stop sign at the end of the street. I’ll take this weather over shoveling any day! Just think of me as a winter bloom!


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