Thursday, March 29, 2012

Into The Wind

As March came in like a lamb, so it goes out like a lion this year. Things in general are a bit topsy-turvy this spring. The day lilies are so high and the hostas are just waking up. Despite the darkness of the day’s light, the forsythia is smiling yellow against the grey and the weeping cherries appear to weep no more. The eighty degree weather of last week is a delightful memory as we battle today’s wind and chilly temps.

As the seasonal fluctuations settle in, put on the kettle, make a pot of tea and let the grey skies have their day. Grab a cappuccino, a good book and a soak in the tub. Make a play-date with your kids or grandkids, drag out the Crayolas and paint yourself a pretty picture. Create a tangible daydream.

As the winds blow, create your own calm. Find your center and ground your life for the wonderful season ahead. Spring is still sleepy and there’s plenty of time to design your future.


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