Thursday, March 15, 2012

Putting Down Your Fears

Describe a fear. Arachnophobia? That works. It could be anything.  Now, consider what lies behind the manifestation of the fear. It could be anything.

Rather than describing the fear, let’s identify the symptoms first. We see the symptoms daily…in everyday life, the media, movies and the news. We see them in family and friends, neighbors and community; we even see them in our country and government. We all have them; BUT…do we see them in ourselves? If we do, do we admit it or cover it up? Are we strong enough to strip away the layers to find the source?

Agoraphobia: fear of going outside = fear of not being accepted
Hoarding: collecting everything = fear of want
Addictions: chronic behavioral habits = hiding from your true self
Lies: falsehoods = creating a false reality

These are examples of inward fear and how they may manifest outwardly. The symptoms are a covering of the fear, and it’s seldom sugar coated. Yet we’re all capable of falling into the habit of layering. What would you put down, drop from your personal burdens, to release each layer to find your personal truth? It’s a difficult choice sometimes. Layers become heavy over the years.

It’s your choice to reverse the process and shed the layers. Only you can do it. You may be fortunate to enough to have a support system in place, but no one else can find your truth. Deep inside you must find your self worth. As you do, the layers will fall; maybe slowly at first, but they will fall.

Change a habit, take a walk, breathe fresh air, laugh out loud and find your truth. You’ll be glad you did.


Photo: “The Scream”, Edvard Munch

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