Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kissing Babies

What is it about kissing babies that is so popular? The parents and grandparents are always so delightfully proud to show them off …deservedly so. Politicians may have their own personal agenda for doing so, but they are not in the majority now, are they? The rest of us do it with or without public opinions and polls.

Babies are just plain cute. Walk down any street or through a grocery store and your eyes will peek-a-boo into the baby carrier for a glimpse of new life. More often than not, eye contact will reap the reward of a baby smile acknowledging a new found friend. Eye contact with the parent will make the parent beam. “Congratulations on a beautiful baby!”

The clothes are cute, the colors vibrant, the accessories today are out of this world. The babies smell of soft, delicate powder (most of the time!) that pleases the senses. A cuddle and you’re lost in the moment of babydom!

There’s nothing like finding yourself in the reflection of a child. One hug and ‘voila’…instant renewal in life and the life of another. Be it your family or a friend’s baby, an instant connection to an extended life and into the future comes from a single baby moment.

Call me silly, but, I think this baby-thing is catching on! I think they’re here to stay!


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