Wednesday, March 7, 2012

To Control Or Not To Control

What is the opposite of control? The dictionary describes it as helplessness. Is it helplessness or being out-of-control? Is it out-of-control or not wishing to open up to other viewpoints?

Control mandates a personal set of values. If your values are not in sinc with another’s, then you are already out of control. Perception of control depends on whether you are subject to tunnel vision or wide-eyed and open to the world. If you accept the possibilities that may come your way, you have more options of change with opportunities. With tunnel vision, you limit your options. Traditionally we hear the expression “as one door closes, another one opens”; but, if both doors are locked tight, nothing changes at all. It may be a state of control, but to nowhere.

The illusion of control can be deceiving. It can lock you into a point of time as well as a state of mind. Life can atrophy instead of being preserved. Open a window, open a door and let some fresh air in. Broaden your horizons. It may not take that much effort. Just unlock the door!

As the breeze blows, let your heart follow. You might be surprised to see what blows your way!


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